Anyway, I had another thrilling day at work. I worked on the same excel spreadsheet for the first four hours of my day. Quick math (hang with me, I’m not a math major) but I have worked on that for 2.5 days at 8 hours a day that is 20 hours and I am ¾ of the way done with it. So according to this math I still have……uh…….um…….some more hours of work to do on it. Approximately. However, the Good Lord (He is a follower of BoilerOutback) gave my supervisor the brilliant idea of giving me a break for the second half of the day. She gave me the task of ………(insert drumroll)………… dressing up as the mascot and walking around campus. I lied, that’d be sweet though, wouldn’t it?! What she really had me do was stuff CDs into their student newspaper for 3 hours. I really don’t know which is more fun - stuffing newspapers or doing an excel spreadsheet. In related news, I don’t know if I feel stronger about world hunger or poverty.
Anyway, that was really the extent of my day. Sorry I have nothing more to report. Oh, I burned a frozen pizza. Aussie ovens are so dumb. Making a frozen pizza requires Divine Intervention. The coils are on the top – only the top. It burns the cheese and doesn’t bake the crust - clearly not designed by a Purdue engineer. I love lamp. Random but this entire post is random so deal with it. Um, so I had cereal and a half-burned still kind of not done Pizza for dinner. Saving money is just so much fun. Here are some pictures that I promised of the Uni. These were not taken today. Hence, the yellow orb in the sky. Apparently some countries get this orb daily and the call it the sun. Okay, I am done with all this random drivel. That is all.
This is their new Research Park area. Macquarie is in the process of finishing a library that will have robots that retrieve your books for you. Pretty wild.
This is there "mall" area. A little different that Purdue's Memorial Mall huh?
This is the big courtyard area behind the building I work at. It's pretty nice.
you love lamp? what's lamp?